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Teasle relaxes, experiences a moment of affection for Rambo, and then dies, succumbing to his wounds. It is eventually revealed to Teasle that Rambo was a member of an elite Special Forces unit in Vietnam, trained to hunt and kill the enemy, and survive by any means necessary. ジョン・ランボーには、アカデミー賞®に3度ノミネートされ、『クリード チャンプを継ぐ男』でゴールデン・グローブ賞を受賞した、ハリウッドのトップスター、シルベスター・スタローン。マリアには、『バベル』でアカデミー賞にノミネートされたアドリアナ・バラーサ。ガブリエラには注目の新星、イヴェット・モンレアル。 He flees without any clothes, steals a motorcycle, and hides in the nearby mountains. Rambo, having found a spot he feels comfortable in, prepares to commit suicide by detonating a stick of dynamite against his body; however, he then sees Teasle following his trail and decides that it would be more honorable to continue fighting and be killed by Teasle's return fire. For a moment he reflects on how he had missed his chance of a decent death, because he is now too weak to light the fuse to detonate the dynamite, but then suddenly feels the explosion he had expected—but in the head, not the stomach where the dynamite was placed. A veteran Green Beret is forced by a cruel Sheriff and his deputies to flee into the mountains and wage an escalating Rambo dies satisfied that he has come to a fitting end. Stallone was able to use his clout to force changes to the script to make Rambo a more sympathetic character, including having Rambo not directly kill any police or national guardsmen (in the novel, he kills many), and having him survive at the end instead of dying as he does in the book. All Rights Reserved. Rambo fires at Teasle and, to his surprise and disappointment, hits him. It was notably adapted into the 1982 film First Blood starring Sylvester Stallone,[1] which ended up spawning an entire media franchise around the Rambo character. [2] The author also said "When I started First Blood back in 1968, I was deeply influenced by Geoffrey Household's Rogue Male. Copyright © GAGA Corporation. vii–xiv). Directed by Ted Kotcheff. かつてアメリカ陸軍特殊部隊、通称グリーンベレーの兵士として、ベトナム戦争を生き抜いたジョン・ランボー。帰還してからはPTSD(心的外傷後ストレス障害)に悩まされながらも、伝説の戦闘マシンとして、世界各地で戦いに身を投じてきた。そんなランボーも今ではアメリカに帰国し、故郷アリゾナの牧場を営みながら、古くからの友人のマリアとその孫娘のガブリエラと、“家族”として平穏に暮らしていた。ところが、自分を捨てた実の父親がメキシコにいると知ったガブリエラが、ランボーの反対も聞かず一人で危険な地に踏み込み、人身売買カルテルに拉致されてしまう。怒りに燃えるランボーは、最愛の“娘”を救出し、一味への復讐を果たすため、元グリーンベレーのスキルを総動員し、戦闘準備を始める──。 Teasle takes him out of town in a police car and drops him off at the city limits. It co-stars Richard Crenna and Brian Dennehy , and is the first installment in the Rambo franchise , followed by Rambo: First Blood Part II . Still, he used "Rambo" as the name of his character, an ex-cop, in the 1975 film Syndicate Sadists. Morrell stated he was inspired to write the novel by hearing about the experiences of his students who had fought in Vietnam.
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