[4] As Superintendent, Fouquet headed the enormously wealthy and influential corps of partisans (tax farmers), who, if challenged as a group, could have caused the king serious trouble. Het was hem niet toegestaan te schrijven. Colbert vroeg Fouquet zijn ambt van Procureur te verkopen en het geld aan de koning te schenken, die hem daarvoor dankbaar zou zijn. [4] As Superintendent, Fouquet headed the enormously wealthy and influential corps of partisans (tax farmers), who, if challenged as a group, could have caused the king serious trouble. When Fouquet was leaving the council chamber, flattered with the assurance of the king's esteem, he was arrested by Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, lieutenant of the king's musketeers. Dit voorval lijkt Fouquets dood te hebben versneld. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Dat Fouquet zelf de gemaskerde gevangene zou zijn geweest, is een van de vele, totaal onbewezen hypothesen, die over het ijzeren masker bestaan. By August 1661, Louis XIV was already set upon Fouquet's destruction (his disgrace was secretly decided upon on 4 May[3]). James Whale's film The Man in the Iron Mask is very loosely adapted from Dumas' novel and, by contrast, depicts Fouquet as the story's main villain, who tries to keep the existence of the King's twin brother a secret. Colbert, perhaps seeking to succeed Fouquet,[2] fed the king's displeasure with adverse reports upon the deficit and made the worst of the case against Fouquet. Upon Mazarin's death in 1661, Fouquet expected to be made head of the government; but Louis XIV was suspicious of his poorly disguised ambition, and it was with Fouquet in mind that he made the well-known statement, upon assuming the government, that Louis would be his own chief minister. The disorder in the accounts became hopeless; fraudulent operations were entered into with impunity, and the financiers were kept in the position of clients by official favours and by generous aid whenever they needed it. In het kielzog van Fouquet werden een zestigtal kleinere processen opgestart. Er werd een list bedacht. Dit fictieve verhaal berust nergens op, maar is meermalen verfilmd. Zo werd gesuggereerd dat hij zou zijn vergiftigd. The splendour of the entertainment sealed Fouquet's fate. [citation needed], According to official records, Fouquet died in Pinerolo on 23 March 1680. The symbol can be found in many rooms and decorations at Vaux-le-Vicomte. Om de politieke steun van Fouquet bij de koningin-moeder te breken werd de hertogin van Chevreuse ingezet, die middels roddel en intrige haar doel bereikte. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login).
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