hugo tutorial

The static folder is used to store any static content such as images, stylesheets, or javascript files. Adding a JSON file inside the data directory is excellent to get started rapidly, but if you want to create a site with multiple pages using content types is the way to go as it allows you to match types with custom layouts. Therefore, you must create templates yourself. Here, you'll use it to define your product and pass that data to your product.html partial. You can also use external learning resources to learn Hugo. Take theming for instance; there are way more (and better) themes available now than back then. Now before you can start you need to pick a theme. In case you’re wondering what that is, the front matter is what is used in Hugo to determine metadata attached to an instance of a content type. This conversation inspired me to dig up our old Hugo e-commerce demo and to give it a fresh twist, so here I am. Later on, you’ll also make changes in the content directory to pair it with, a headless CMS, and create an assets folder to leverage Hugo Pipes for our scss files. It’s pretty dope. A significant event that has happened in modern web development since we first wrote this post is the rise of the headless CMS. You can see it building the site in the “Overview” panel of the site: To know more about Netlify I recommend you check out my Netlify tutorial.

To give you an idea, build times for Jekyll, another very popular SSG, are about ten times higher than those of Hugo.

I'll talk more about this later on when we pair our site with a CMS. What you do is that you write a post using Markdown, then commit your changes to a Git repository, most commonly on GitHub, and some glue technology deploys the changes on the server that hosts the site. There is a list of posts that is taken from the content/post folder of your website: Click the first, called “Creating a New Theme”: You can open the file content/post/ to change anything in the post. No or or sites, please. There’s a lot of choice on You won't be using a pre-made theme here. Forestry then pulls in the commits and updates the CMS. ... A list of tutorials and books on Hugo. It's super easy to get started as it requires minimal setup and it's incredibly fast!

Copy page and post in the content folder of the site: The sample data also provide a sample config.toml file in themes/ghostwriter/exampleSite/config.toml. If this is your first time using Hugo and you’ve already installed Hugo on your machine, we recommend the quick start.

Thankfully, Hugo is an excellent match with most headless CMSs. Finally, you'll deploy your site using Netlify.

And it does not surface any cool or next-generation stuff like many JavaScript frameworks tend to do. 7.5 Updating the layout to display our new content. Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It’s still one of the more popular tools in this field, for many reasons. 7.1 Linking your repository with I have a few reasons for loving using Hugo.

I started my own blog with an open source theme, then changed it completely over time. I highly recommend it. I also recommend to avoid the git clone workflow they suggest on that page, because you’ll be surely tweaking the theme in the future, and I find it best to have a single repository for both content and theme. From my Netlify dashboard I pressed the “New site from Git” button: Pressed GitHub, authorized Netlify to access my private repositories, then I picked the repo I just created: Netlify automatically identified it as a Hugo repo, and entered the build command automatically: Clicking “Deploy site” starts the deploy process: On a real site, I would set up a custom domain. So, go to to download the current version of the theme. For Windows and Linux, check the official installation guide.

That said, to show how powerful Hugo is, I think it would have been interesting to create a website with multiple pages to fully explore Hugo's template Lookup functionality. Lastly, let's create a product.html partial that will display what you want to showcase about your product. You'll create a template for the homepage and partials for the header, footer, and products. For this demonstration, I'll create a simple cheese shop that displays a list of products … Making changes was nearly instant, and it even had live reloading out of the box. The process automatically makes the first commit: Now we can click the “Publish repository” button to push the repo to GitHub: You can keep the repo private, of course. First, I’m going to create a GitHub repository to host the site. Why? Many factors will influence your choice of stack for e-commerce. And if you prefer working with the command line, the now command lets you purchase domains from there, as well.

Use your own name.

There’s not much you have to learn to get started. It makes it the perfect choice for today’s use case. What more could one ask for? Learn more about the Golang e-commerce ecosystem right here. Install Hugo on macOS, Windows, Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and on any machine where the Go compiler tool chain can run. Note on subdomains: every subdomain, to Google, is a different website. I gave the myblog name to the repository, and picked the correct path for the repo.

This directory will hold all the files which need to be processed by Hugo Pipes.

Let’s do this!

Once completed you can link your stylesheets in the header.html partial by adding the following code: It's as simple as that. Adding data.

However, try to not look at customizing your template now.

You can use incremental numbers, if you prefer. Netlify, Now and GitHub Pages are 3 great places where you can host a Hugo blog, for free.

You can do so by clicking on "Front matter" on the sidebar and then clicking "Add Template" in the top right corner. .com just gives a better impression and it’s reusable for all your future projects, not just to host your blog. Partials need to be created inside a layouts/partials directory.

Open it, and open its content subfolder. Why? A detailed tutorial to start a new blog using Hugo from zero to deployment Published Jan 07, 2020 Hugo is a great tool to start a blog. Plus, Hugo does not need to do some of the fancy stuff that is needed when using fancy technology. You could also choose a pre-existing Hugo theme and skip this step. This is the Hugo configuration file, which tells Hugo some details of the configuration without you having to hardcode information in the theme. Like many modern CMSs, it was built as an alternative to WordPress.
Put your blog under your own domain. The community has evolved though, and so has the Hugo development experience.

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A Hugo blog is completely static.

As a developer I am tempted to tweak things here and there all the time. Also, don't forget to add your API key if you choose to do so. This process brings many advantages compared to more traditional CMSs, like speed, reliability, continuous development, and a unified workflow. That said, Hugo is pretty darn flexible.

Working in this field, I often have developer friends reach out to me with questions about e-commerce projects. Before getting started, you'll need to install the Hugo CLI. You might notice that you can save the document as a Draft. I highly recommend you check my Zeit Now tutorial. I sat there and smiled back at him because I knew the answer to his problem right away. My suggestion is to avoid subdomains completely. It’s easy to install on any platform, plus you can host it anywhere. Hence it is boring, which gives me a lot of time to do what is really useful when working on a blog: writing content. You simply write frontend code with your SSG and push through Git. Things are made to be as fast as possible. He seemed a bit distressed: “I have this client that is asking for the moon in terms of performance for his online store. We suggest throwing one of the following headless CMS into the mix: The latest is the one I chose for this tutorial. To install Hugo on macOS, from your terminal run, The brew command does not exist on your Mac?

The “post” template is defined in themes/ghostwriter/layouts/post/single.html: Hugo uses Go templates. Zeit is now called Vercel, and this tutorial might be outdated.

Then unpackage it in the themes/ghostwriter folder in your newly created Hugo website: Notice there is a exampleSite folder in the themes/ghostwriter. Check the Homebrew guide.

Pick one.

Why use Hugo, you ask? Got comments, questions? Remove the existing files, and write 2-3 posts to start with. Keep in mind that your Add to cart button must once again follow Snipcart's product definition. The first time you deploy from GitHub you have to first install the GitHub app clicking “Install Now For GitHub”: This brings you to the GitHub page for the app, where you can authorize it for all your repos, or just for some: Once you get back, click the “New Project From GitHub” button: In the meantime, go into the main folder of mysite and add a package.json file with this content: When you get back to the dashboard, the new deploy should start soon, and you will see the site working live: Note that in Now you have 3 URLs you can use to access the site: Plus, each deployment has its own URL, too. There’s no fancy technology underlying Hugo. I focus on the content, not on the content container.

Hugo’s CLI scaffolds a project directory structure and then takes that single directory and uses it as the input to create a complete website. Another awesome platform you can use for your Hugo blog is Zeit Now. How to handle Markdown and other markup related configuration. Non-tech people might just refuse to use Markdown, and it’s perfectly understandable. It’s too easy to get trapped in making things perfectly like you want, but the important thing is the content. But above all, its build times are just off the charts. The main reason is that it is simple.

If something is not looking like you want, you can open the themes/ghostwriter/layouts folder and tweak it. I think Hugo is an excellent fit for a lot of websites. Hugo is amazing, especially if you are a developer and you’re willing to write in Markdown. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very positive thing.

Thankfully, doing so is as easy as logging in and linking your repository. That’s what I’ll do in the demo below.

If you want to tweak the colors, add a